These sessions now take place over Zoom and all are welcome. They are led by Ali Welch. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Ali if you would like to join in (contact details below).
Do you want to grow in your understanding of the Bible? Do you want to learn more about Jesus, but perhaps find you can’t make it to a longer course or an evening event?
Second Saturday might be for you. We meet, as the name suggests, on the second Saturday of every month (usually in St Alphege church building where we were able to share a simple breakfast with good tea/coffee, and then open up Scripture together). We start at 10am and finish promptly at 11.
You don’t need to know anything beforehand, or prepare anything. Just turn up and enjoy. This year we’re looking at the Gospel of Mark. It’s informal, and you needn’t be there every month, though you might find yourself keen to come back!
We’re a mix of all ages and generations, and everyone in the parish and beyond is welcome. Once we are able to meet in person again children are catered for with food, drink and (if there are several!) a simple activity. Why not join us next time?

To find out more or to book a place contact Ali Welch at alistair.g.welch@gmail.com
Dates for 2021
13 March – 11 April – 8 May – 12 June – 10 July – 14 August – 11 September – 9 October – 13 November – 11 December