Sunday Services
Our current pattern is an 8am Said Eucharist, a 10.30am Choral Eucharist and a 5pm Choral Evensong. On the 2nd Sunday of the month, there is a 9.15am All Age Service and an 11am Choral Eucharist. The Junction meet in the Oliver Bird Hall on the 1st Sunday, All Age Service on the 2nd Sunday, back to the Oliver Bird Hall for the 3rd and via Zoom for the 4th as there are still families unable to meet in person. For the Zoom link please contact Linda Hicks .

St Alphege is a flourishing parish church at the heart of Solihull. The church has stood at the end of the High Street for over eight hundred years. Today it continues to be a place of worship, witness and service for the whole community. Our main building is a fine medieval Grade I listed church. You will find a warm welcome at St Alphege as well as a diverse range of services, events and activities.
What’s on at St Alphege
There are many opportunities to get involved. As well as our Sunday and weekday services, regular activities in St Alphege include the Wednesday recital and the Mothers Union.

Who is St Alphege?
Alphege is our patron saint, the holy person to whom the church is dedicated. He was an Anglo-Saxon bishop, made Archbishop of Canterbury in 1006. When captured by Danish forces, Alphege refused to allow the poor of England to pay his ransom and died at the hands of soldiers. He is a martyr and inspiration for the work of reconciliation and social justice.

What to expect at St Alphege
We strive to give our best to God in worship, through our liturgy, teaching and music. St Alphege uses the rich traditions of the Christian faith alongside elements of modern worship, offering services to suit all ages. The worship at St Alphege is centred around the Eucharist where we offer our worship to God, and bring to God the needs of the community and the wider world. Sunday is the high point of our worship, where we seek to encounter the transforming love of God and the presence of Jesus in the Bible, in the bread and wine of the Eucharist, and in each other.
Weekdays at St Alphege
Come and reflect in this ancient and holy space. Light a candle, say a prayer, or just rest in God’s presence. You will be made very welcome by one of our guides, who volunteer their time to keep St Alphege church open for the whole community.