St Alphege: on the 1st, 3rd & 4th Sundays of each month we have an 8am Said Eucharist, 9.15am The Junction in the Oliver Bird Hall, 10.30am Sung Eucharist and 5pm Choral Evensong. On the 2nd Sunday in St Alphege the format is 8am Said Eucharist, 9.15am All Age Eucharist in church, 11am Choral Eucharist, 5pm Choral Evensong. The Junction meet on Zoom on the fourth Sunday of each month – please email Linda Hicks for the link.
St Helen’s – 10am Service
St Michael’s – 10.30 in Sharman’s Cross Junior School.

Come and join us at one of our three churches, with times and styles to suit all walks of life.
St Alphege:
8am Said Eucharist. A quiet spoken service in traditional language.

10.30am Parish Eucharist (except 2nd Sunday of the month). A service using contemporary language and a mix of modern and traditional music in our beautiful church building.
9.15am The Junction in the Oliver Bird Hall. Especially for families with very young children. It meets in the Church Hall (OBH). The service is in a very informal style and there are groups for all ages. Junction families are warmly invited to attend the All Age Eucharist in St Alphege Church on the second Sunday of the month. On the fourth Sunday of the month, the Junction meet on Zoom. Please email Linda Hicks for the Zoom link.
9.15am All Age Eucharist (2nd Sunday of the month).
11am Choral Eucharist (2nd Sunday of the month). A formal traditional language service. Our worship is enhanced by the full choir, choral settings, sermon and hymns. During the high feasts and Epiphany and Easter seasons, incense is used.
5pm Choral Evensong. Following the Book of Common Prayer with full choir, hymns and a sermon.
St Helen:
10am Eucharist and Sunday Club for children. In modern language, with a variety of hymns and songs, a sermon, and activities for children.

St Michael:

10.30am Eucharist and Sunday Club for children. In modern language, with a variety of hymns and songs, a sermon, and activities for children. Meeting at Sharmans Cross School.
2nd Sunday of the Month: All Age Worship 10.30am at Sharmans Cross School
Worship in our Parish
Whether you are looking for a quiet space to pray, a place to bring your baby, a place to worship with your family, or a place to encounter the majesty and mystery of God, there is an opportunity to worship in Solihull almost every day of the year. Below are just some highlights of our offering:

Weekday Eucharist at St Michael’s Chapel

A quiet, contemplative Eucharist in the peaceful and friendly setting of St Michael’s Chapel, Bryanston Road. Celebrated each Wednesday at 10am followed by a time of coffee and conversation.
All Age Worship at St Alphege

On the 2nd Sunday of the month, the Junction and 9.15 Eucharists are combined for an All Age Eucharist in St Alphege church. A worship band leads us in contemporary songs. Young people often act as servers, and the teaching is especially suitable for children and families.
Messy Church

Messy Church meets at St Helen’s Church several times each term. It includes a time of craft, worship, a hot meal and lots of Messy fun for children and their families. To book and find out more look here.
Weekdays in St Alphege

Come and reflect in this ancient and holy space. Light a candle, say a prayer, or just rest in God’s presence. Church is open 10am until noon on Monday and Thursday. You will be made very welcome.