A very warm welcome and thank you for taking time to visit our website.  We are a Church of England parish in the Diocese of Birmingham, and one of the wonderful things about our parish is its richness and diversity.  Whilst we are united in our Gospel vision to Grow Disciples, Build Community, and Transform Lives, this finds different expression across our three churches: St Alphege, St Helen’s and St Michael’s, and through a wide variety of different ministries. Whether you are looking to join the church family on a regular basis, or are enquiring about becoming part of the church for a special event, such as a wedding or a baptism, these pages should greatly help you with all that you need to know. Please do explore this website to get a glimpse of what’s on offer, or better still, come to one of our services or events. We would love to meet you.
Please feel free to contact us for any support we may offer.
The first point of contact for our clergy team, bookings and all enquiries (including funerals, weddings and baptisms) is the Parish Office – follow this link: Solihull Parish Office or phone 0121 705 5350. 
Should you need urgent out of hours emergency clergy support the details are:
Revd Nick Parker 07890 720240 or
Revd Simon Marshall 0121 704 4730 or
Revd Sue Chandler 07970 791288.


Safeguarding Sunday – 17th November 2024

The headline news and comment surrounding the publication of the Makin Report, and the subsequent resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, reveals the devastating effect of abuse made so much worse by institutional failure. 
Our first thoughts must be for all victims and survivors of abuse. 
At the same time, it is important to restate our ongoing determination to make parish safeguarding the priority it should be.

In this we are committed:
To deal with any safeguarding concerns or disclosures well (professionally, in a timely manner, making referrals when appropriate).
To offer care and support to any who have been affected by abuse, whatever form it may have taken.
To have and follow robust practices and procedures, including ‘safer recruitment’ of all employees and volunteers.
To foster a strong safeguarding culture through teaching and training.
This also includes a determination to listen well and to learn from the mistakes of the past.
Our Bishop of Birmingham, Michael Volland writes:
“This is a challenging time for victims and survivors of abuse. I believe that the Church of England is committed to being a safe place for all, with safeguarding a priority of the highest order. With the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury highlighting our commitment and our past failings as a national church, be assured the Church of England Birmingham will continue to strive to create and maintain a safeguarding culture and processes in which all can know that they are safe, and all voices are recognised.
I encourage us to hold victims and survivors of abuse in prayer, now and always, and to honour and learn from their examples of courage and bravery.  Please also pray for the clergy, lay leaders and congregations of the wider Church of England, and the diverse communities we are called to serve in Jesus’ name.”

A Safeguarding Sunday Prayer:
Loving God,
We come to you in the knowledge that you hold all your children in unconditional love.
We lift to you those who are vulnerable and in need of protection.
Give them your safety, comfort, and peace.
We cry to you for those who are hurting and whose trust has been broken.
Give them your healing, restoration, and justice.
We bring to you those who seek to forgive others who have hurt them.
Give them your strength, courage, and hope.
For those who have caused harm and suffering to your children,
lead them to seek your forgiveness and to enter into true repentance.
Thank you for all who give their time, knowledge, and skills to make our communities safer.
Give them your wisdom, guidance, and grace.
For ourselves, we ask you to give us your heart for the vulnerable, the oppressed, the voiceless and the forgotten.
Help us to see them as you see them; to value them as you value them, and to nurture and protect them as you desire.
Help each one of us play our part in creating safer places for all your people.
In the name of Jesus we pray,

Our policies and contact details can be found here.

WHAT’S HAPPENING : this week in the Parish

Morning Prayer: Beginning each day with God
Monday, Thursday, Friday – 9.00am at St Alphege Church
Tuesday – 9.00am at St Helen’s Church
Wednesday – 9.30am at St Michael’s

Wednesday lunchtime recitals: No recital on 27th November.
Recitals start at 1.10pm with tea/coffee and cake available from 12.30pm. Entry is free with a retiring collection held in aid of The Friends of St Alphege Music. A full listing of upcoming performers can be found here.
Said Eucharist at St Alphege: Thursday 28th November – 10.30am 
Monthly Bible Study Group – Second Saturday of every month – the next session will be on 14th December, 10am, St Alphege Upper Chapel

Sunday 1st December: The First Sunday of Advent
St Alphege
8.00am – Said Eucharist – President & Preacher: Revd Nick Parker
9.15am – The Junction in OBH
10.30am – Sung Eucharist – President: Revd Roy Murray & Preacher: Revd Nick Parker (click for livestream)
5.00pm – Advent Carol Service- Officiant: Revd Nick Parker
St Helen’s – 10.00am – Holy Communion
St Michael’s – 10.30am – Eucharist


Pause and Pray – Starting from 4th November parents and carers are invited to Pause with Sue and Linda in the Oliver Bird Hall for half an hour on Monday mornings immediately after school drop off to reflect on the week ahead and to Pray for our schools, our children and ourselves. And there will be pastries and good coffee!!
Project Turnaround – click here for more information about the proposals for Phase 2, and for your opportunity to feed back your thoughts.
St Helen’s Christmas Fayre – have fun together and meet Father Christmas on Sat 30th November between 11am and 2pm. £1 for admission and free for kids, proceeds to Marie Curie and Lyndon Senior Phab Club. Lunches & refreshments provided.
Mell Square Crib Service – 8th December. Please join us at 3pm in Mell Square, Solihull for the blessing of the crib and carols.
Christmas cards – now available from the bookstall in St Alphege Church or the Parish Office. £5 for a pack of 10.
Job and volunteer vacancies can be found on our Vacancies page. We are currently seeking a Parish Safeguarding Coordinator and a District Safeguarding Coordinator.
SMBC support – every first Tuesday of the month, Kerrie and Natalia from the Community Development Team will be in the foyer of the OBH from 12 noon to 3pm. For more information please click here.
We have a dream – click here to read Fr Nick’s response to the far right demonstrations in the summer.

Useful Documents to download

Join Us Online – Sunday 1st December

Link to 10.30am Sung Eucharist from St Alphege Church

Photos from around the Parish