People have worshipped in this church for many centuries. As both the Parish Church and the Civic Church of the Borough of Solihull, at St Alphege we aim to provide a wide range of services to minister to the variety of people who worship here – both our own congregations, the parish as a whole, and the wider Borough.

Sunday Services

Each Sunday we have two morning services and one evening service, which change depending on the season and any special observances or festivals. However, the usual format is as follows:

8:00am Said Eucharist – A quiet, reflective service, following Common Worship order 1 (traditional language), with a short sermon and no music. It lasts about 40 minutes.

10.30am Choral Eucharist – this is a more formal service at which we use traditional language. Our worship is enhanced by the full choir, choral settings, traditional language, sermon and hymns. During the high feasts and Epiphany and Easter seasons, incense is used.

On the second Sunday of each month, this is replaced by our All-Age Eucharist at 9.15am which takes much the same format but with a more contemporary feel and greater emphasis on the involvement of children and young people. This is followed by a Choral Eucharist at 11am.

9.15am The Junction – meeting in the Oliver Bird Hall on the 1st, 3rd Sundays. The 4th Sunday is via Zoom, for the link email Linda: Linda Hicks
This is especially for families with very young children. It meets in the Church Hall (OBH). The service follows the general format of a Communion service, in a very informal style and with worship band. There are various children’s groups.

There is no Junction on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Instead, both 9.15am congregations come together in the church building for an All Age Eucharist.

5pm Choral Evensong – one of the most celebrated traditions of the Anglican church following the Book of Common Prayer with full choir, hymns and a sermon during term time.

Details and times of all services can be found in the pewslip on the front page of this site.

Weekday Worship

St Alphege is open on a Monday and Thursday from 9.30am until 12 noon for prayer and reflection.

Details of Eucharists for major festivals (such as Christmas and Easter), feast days and special occasions can be found in the pewslip from week to week.

Special and Civic Occasions
Throughout the year there are a number of services celebrating special events both within the church and in the community at large. We also have a number of Civic Services in collaboration with Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council.