Solihull Parish Puppets is a group of people who love working together to plan, rehearse and finally perform sketches and songs using a variety of puppets, including arm rod puppets, Sockettes (sock puppets) and stick puppets. We meet on Mondays at St Helen’s Chapel, St Helen’s Road, B91 2DA, 6 -7pm during term-time to plan and rehearse our performances. We have a lot of fun together, developing our skills and trying out new ideas. We are particularly grateful to members of our church who have helped with recording sketches and making costumes and props. To date, we have performed at the different churches within the Parish, but would be interested in performing at other locations too. We are currently a small group of eight, but would love to have more people join us, especially as our young adult members prepare to move on to university, for example. If you are interested in becoming a member of Solihull Parish Puppets, or feel that you could support us in an alternative creative way, then please do get in touch with Ruth Sabbagh, on 0121 705 3088 or 0791 2626315 or alternatively, with Linda Hicks, on 0121 270 7390 or 07838 670772.