Welcome to the Solihull Team of Churches – St Alphege, St Helen’s and St Michael’s. It’s an exciting place to be!
Thank you for exploring our website.
I have been here since September 2015 and we are in the process of moving the churches forward into a new future with a lot of potential to be released.
Our vision is to see people grow in their discipleship so that we can make a positive difference in the places where we live and work.
All are welcome: We’re a diverse congregation of all ages and from all backgrounds. As Jesus welcomed all people, so we too welcome all people regardless of their background.
We offer a wide range of worship styles with a breadth of musical genres – with more in the pipeline to be developed. We have a superb musical heritage with growing choirs that have featured on the BBC, who regularly sing in cathedrals in this country and occasionally abroad; and who have recently become members of the Friends of Cathedral Music.
We also have worship bands to accompany some of our more informal services.
We offer Eucharistic and non-eucharistic services – some quiet, some noisy, some informal, some formal. We have ever expanding children’s and youth work happening.
We offer a variety of groups and courses at every stage of people’s faith journey. We aim to have something for everyone. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please ask : 0121 705 5350 or email the Parish Office.
We want to do all we can to help you feel at home quickly. Do please introduce yourself to me or any other member of the team.
We look forward to meeting you!
Jane Kenchington
Team Rector of Solihull